Thursday, August 02, 2007

How the value of our investment portfolio has changed

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Report for July 2007

After an enormous dip last week, the FTSE100 recovered somewhat on the last day July to finish a mere 4% down on the month. The PIC Unit Value did better than that and only fell 1%, ending at 124.7.

The worst fallers in July were Experian (9%), Biffa (8%), Severn Trent (7%) and Island Oil & Gas which continued to drift lower by 7%. Only two of our stocks increased materially in value this month: BHP Billiton (6% on top of last month's 15%) and China Growth (also 6% higher).

After a substantial sale of units by one member we have only £2,378 in cash. Any investment in the Lorne Street Bakery Project in Oswestry may require selling of existing stock.
